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Reports & Publications

Below you can find the official reports from the project, along with other useful publications and documents.

This page will be regularly updated with new findings, reports, analyses and publications.

"The study's findings provide valuable guidance for managers, employers, and regulators on supporting the workforce. Post-pandemic and alongside ongoing HSC challenges, the HSC Workforce Study has potential to inform efforts to improve the wellbeing of the HSC workforce. Health, Wellbeing and Safey is a critical workstream for the HSC employers and Department of Health (NI), with the objective to develop a policy framework that will guide HSC trusts in addressing workforce wellbeing".

Health And Social Care Workforce Study:A HR Perspective for Translating Workforce Wellbeing Policies to Practice

The Health and Social Care Workforce Study, led by Ulster University, has amassed significant research evidence on the wellbeing of the HSC workforce in NI. In partnership with the HPMA NI, the research team discussed how the research evidence informs ongoing policy and practice relating to Workforce Health and Wellbeing across HSC Employers in NI. 

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REPORT 6: Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic November 2022 - January 2023

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This is the sixth report in a series of surveys outlining the findings of our sixth survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK post- COVID-19 pandemic.

REPORT 6 (Executive summary): Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic November 2022 - January 2023

This is the sixth executive summary report in a series of surveys outlining the findings of our sixth survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK post-COVID-19 pandemic.

Nursing, midwives, Allied Health Professionals, social workers and social care workers’
quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic: May – July 2022

Published Article

Comparing the Mental Wellbeing and Quality of Working Life among Nurses and Social Care Workers in the UK and Japan in Older Adults' Care Services during the COVID-19 Pandemic

This article is published in Psych

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REPORT 5 (Executive summary): Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 16th May - 8th July 2022

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This is the fifth executive summary report in a series of surveys outlining the findings of our fifth survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

REPORT 5: Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 16th May - 8th July 2022

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This is the fifth report in a series of surveys outlining the findings of our fifth survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Wellbeing and coping of UK nurses, midwives and allied health professionals during COVID-19-a cross-sectional study

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This article is published in PLOS ONE.

Working conditions and well-being in UK social care and social work during COVID-19


This article is published in the Journal of Social Work

​REPORT 4: Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 24th November 2021-4th February 2022

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This is the fourth report in a series of surveys outlining the findings of our fourth survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

REPORT 4 (Executive summary):Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 24th November 2021-4th February 2022

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This is a brief summary of the fourth report findings. 

Decreasing Wellbeing and Increasing Use of Negative Coping Strategies: The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the UK Health and Social Care Workforce


This is a journal article published in Epidemiologia.

Mental well-being and quality of working life in UK social workers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A propensity score matching study

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This is a journal article published in The British Journal of Social Work

REPORT 3 (Poster):
Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 10th May - 2nd July 2021

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This is an infographics outlining the main findings from the third survey comparing previous phases.

Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 10th May 2021 - 2nd July 2021

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This is the third report in a series of surveys outlining the findings of our third survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

REPORT 3 (Executive summary):
Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 10th May 2021 - 2nd July 2021

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This is a brief summary of the third report findings. It includes 15 best practice recommendations based on the research.

A Cross-Sectional Examination of the Mental Wellbeing, Coping and Quality of Working Life in Health and Social Care Workers in the UK at Two Time Points of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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This is a journal article published in Epidemiologia.

Clapping for Carers in the Covid-19 crisis: Carers' reflections in a UK survey 

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This is a journal article published in Health and Social Care in the Community.


Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 17th November 2020 - 1st February 2021

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This is the second in a series of three reports outlining the findings of our second survey conducted with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic.

REPORT 2 (Executive Summary):

Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 17th November 2020 - 1st February 2021

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This is a brief summary of the Report 2 findings. It includes 15 best practice recommendations based on the research.

The role of coping in the wellbeing and work-related quality of life of UK health and social care workers during COVID-19

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This is a journal article published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Health and social care workers’ quality of working life and
coping while working during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Analysis of positive coping and work-related quality of life as resilience and protective factors impacting on wellbeing


This is published in MDPI proceedings for The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Environmental Research and Public Health.


Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 7th May - 3rd July 2020


This report outlines the findings of our first survey conducted in May - July 2020 with nurses, midwives, allied health professionals, social care workers and social workers.

REPORT 1 (Executive summary):

Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 7th May - 3rd July 2020

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This is a brief summary of the Report 1 findings. It includes 15 best practice recommendations based on the research.

REPORT 1 (Poster):

Health and social care workers' quality of working life and coping while working during the COVID-19 pandemic 7th May - 3rd July 2020

Report 1 poster.PNG

This is an infographics outlining the main findings from the first survey.


Thank you to all who have participated in our focus groups and surveys so far. 

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